The Advanced Makeup Artist Training Course is available for $1999 in Guelph and Thorold. It includes 4 private sessions with a makeup artist and certificate. Starter kit available
The Makeup Artist Training Course
Makeup is a tool used to enhance beauty in men and women. Skin is exposed to harsh environmental elements and other damaging agents that can make it dry, dull, and worn out. The sun’s UV rays, pollution, unhealthy sleeping and work habits, food, products used and slow collagen production all take a toll on skin. Fine lines, blemishes and dark spots can be hidden with the right makeup. However, makeup is only a cover and not a solution to skin problems. Understanding skin anatomy, methods of skin care treatments and an introduction to the beauty industry allows the makeup artist to discuss tips and tricks for long term skin care.
Please remember that if you ever have any questions or require additional training, do not hesitate to contact us. We want to make sure you are comfortable and confident in your skills, and that you are always eager to learn and improve.
Botox is a drug that weakens or paralyzes muscle. In small doses, it can reduce skin wrinkles and help treat some medical conditions. Why not try something new and exciting! Nurse Contact us today to set up an appointment! [email protected]
Top Injectable Services and Aestheticians in Ontario
Host the next best Botox party with Nurse Injector Meg!
A botox party is a great way to gather friends for a day of makeovers. Nurse Meg provides Botox Parties in Hamilton, Burlington, Guelph, Mississauga, Orangeville, St. Catharines, Toronto, Barrie and surrounding areas. Botox parties are groups of 6 or more clients with special perks! Botox and filler can be treated together in under 1 hour.
Multiple syringes are available as well. Some of the many services offered at our Botox parties are lip filler, undereye filler, cheek filler, chin filler, nasolabial folds, non-surgical rhinoplasty, botox, disport, 8 point facelift and much more.
Botox & Injectables| St. Catharines, Niagara | Face
Dermal Fillers are neuromodulators which soften expression lines of the face by reducing overactive muscle movement. Clinics price dermal fillers by the unit – our prices are approximately is $8-$10/unit. Treatments vary from under eye filler, dermal filler, chin filler, cheek filler, temple filler and much more. Clients require a consultation prior to their appointment. Email [email protected] to book a consultation.Book
Lip fillers involve small insertions of fluid into the lip to create a plump look. Available in half or full syringes. Half a syringe starts at around $300 and full syringes $450- $500. Clients require a consultation prior to their appointment. Email [email protected] to book a consultation.Book
Non- Surgical Rhinoplasty is a non- surgical procedure for correcting the shape of the nose. Filler is placed inside the nose to correct issues such as a large dorsal hump. Clients require a consultation prior to their appointment. Email [email protected] to book a consultation. Contact our cosmetic nurse directly to find out what risks are involved for your body type and lifestyle.